How to Apply Leave

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Applying Leave: Explained below are the steps to apply leave for a day you were absent using the attendance calendar control on the home page.


Step1: Click on the Leave Date on the Attendance Calendar as depicted below:


Step 2: The attendance details dialog opens as shown below. Click on the text "Click Here to Regularize Your Attendance".



Step3: Attendance Regularize options will become visible. Click on the "Leave" radio button as shown below:




Step 4: The "Post Your Leave Request" page will become visible.  as shown in figure below:



Step5: Enter the "Leave Reason". (Your  Address & contact number as per records in the system will be visible.)


          Next Under the "Leave Details" section select the "Leave Type" and click on "Add" button  as shown below :




Step6: The added leave details would become visible in a grid  at the bottom of the page as shown below. Review and then click on the "Submit" button  as shown below.






Step7: A successful message will be displayed as shown below.





