Upcoming Birthdays & Anniversaries

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Birthday & Anniversary List



The upcoming  Birthdays and Anniversaries are visible in the " Birthday & Anniversary List" Widget.


1. Upcoming Birth Days List:


Shown below is a sample upcoming Birthday List scrolling through the widget.






Note: moving the mouse over on the list freezes the scrolling list so you can view and wish an Employee on the list by clicking on the "Wish BirthDay" option for birthday falling today.



2. Wishing Birthday to a Colleague




On clicking the "Wish BirthDay" option a birthday wish E-mail will be sent to the employee on your behalf by the system.

Shown below is a sample of an E-mail sent by the system to the person:





2. Upcoming Anniversary List: Shown below is a sample upcoming Anniversary List scrolling through the "Birthday & Anniversary List" widget


Note: moving the mouse over on the list freezes the scrolling list so you can view and wish an Employee on the list. Click on the "Wish Anniversary" link to send Birthday wishes to the Colleague. An E-mail will be sent to the Employee on your behalf by the system.

