My Requests & Approvals

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My Requests & Approvals


It shows status and details of  requests raised by others that have come to you for approval & are pending at your level for approval etc.

This section gives status and details of  requests you have raised & are pending.



There are two parts in this section:




My Pending Requests


Requests for Approval



As shown in the screen below:







1. "My Pending Requests" link shows total number of your pending requests.

On clicking on "My Pending Request", it expands to show each category of your pending request along with number of pending approvals under that category as shown in screen below:







How to view details of your Pending Requests:



Step1: Click on the number in the Count column to see the details of the request(s):








Step2: The details related to that category of Request will be shown  in a new window as below.

This window gives you an option of cancelling the request as well  if you wish to  :













2. Requests for Approval: By clicking this link you  can see and then directly attend to the requests pending with you.