How To Apply Missing Punch

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User will apply Missing Punch when either "In" punch or "Out" punch are missing


Step 1: In the attendance calendar click on the date for which Missing Punch is to be applied




Step 2: The attendance details dialog opens as shown below. Click on the text "Click Here to Regularize Your Attendance".



Step3: Click on the "Missed Punch" option as shown below. The Post Missing Punch Page will expand as shown below with relevant date:













Step4: Select "In"/"Out" and specify reason for the missing punch as shown below and click on Submit button:






Step5: On click of "Submit" option will display a message similar to below one. Click on OK.











"Missing Punch" option in "My Menus"



Missing Punch is to be applied if either In or Out Punch is missing.




Step 2: Missing Punch Details- Click on the "Missing Punch Details" box. A Calendar will appear. Select the date.




Step 3: Enter the In- time or Out- time




Step 4: Mention In or Out time.



missing punch in out selection

Step 5: Type the Reason for the Missing Punch & the Click on "Submit" button to send the application to your manager for validation.

missing punchreason



Step 6: Missing Punch ID will be generated which could be tracked through "View History" or could be canceled from the "Cancel Request" option.
